Lucian's thoughts

How can this world change when people witness injustices and remain idle?

Particularly those with influence and a voice who could truly make a difference. I can comprehend the plight of the marginalized who lack a voice and face repercussions even if they attempt to speak out. However, it is the inaction of those in power that frustrates me the most.

Of course, there are those who maintain their integrity despite their power.

Corruption and power can intoxicate individuals, and there are those who, despite having the means and a voice to effect change, remain indifferent to their surroundings.

They remain apathetic because the issues do not directly impact them. However, when they are personally affected, they suddenly become concerned and seek solutions.

"Now welcome back to our tale. As we delve into Chapter One, Part Three: The Connections, prepare to catch a glimpse of the future god, Irah, during his mortal days before his ascension to divinity."


As Irah and two of his friends find their way back to their village after patrolling the area, Amaru, one of Irah's oldest friends, says to Yumi, "Hey Yumi, look, there goes Irah spacing out on his thoughts again. Hmm, what a guy!"

"I've known him for a while, even before I joined the Guardian Knights. We didn't interact much, but when we did, we always connected. He helped me out on many occasions," Amaru continued, his voice filled with nostalgia. "After I got accepted to join his regiment, I started to build a deeper bond with him, especially after the surprise invitation to work closely with him. It was an honor to join his team."

"After that, with all the experiences and adventures we had, he never stops surprising me. You know how he can't be caught off guard. Even when he's lost in thought, he sees things coming from afar."

Yumi responds to Amaru, "Well, my brother is something special in his own way, though many won't acknowledge him because he won't let his integrity be bought. He keeps his hope up even in the darkest moments. His perception is so enhanced that not even the worst scenarios faze him. By the time something happens, he already has a solution, whether combat-related or not."

Amaru replies, "Yes, with each experience he goes through, he adapts, and that is one of his strengths. He doesn't seek power for his own benefit. All he wants is for everyone to have a peaceful and interesting life."

Yumi says, "Yes, Amaru. His dedication to others is truly inspiring. He always puts the needs of the village and his friends above his own. It's what makes him not just a great warrior but a great leader. His vision for a peaceful future is something we all strive for."

As Yumi and Amaru keep talking, Irah, lost in his own thoughts, says to himself, "Hmm, I'm glad I have you guys with me. The corruption of this world can go beyond the law of nature itself." At that moment, his mood suddenly changes as he becomes serious yet calm and thinks to himself, "What is this weird sense?" as he tries to identify it, but finds it difficult.

A thought comes to mind, "Hmm, I can't seem to see what it is, but I can still feel it."